[Academic paper] iPad versus traditional tools in art and design: A complementary association
There is continuous debate on the role of digital media tools in art and design Higher Education, and in particular their potential contribution towards teaching and learning. The related literature indicates that there is a dichotomy between digital and traditional tools. This study investigates the views of a cohort of art and design students who undertook a specific instructional task, but instead of using paper and pencil, they used iPads. It is claimed that this computer tablet has considerable potential to enhance teaching and learning, and this study sought to investigate this claim. Inductive qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews provided by 32 (n = 32) students. Based on the categories that emerged from the analysis of interviews, and within the parameters of this study, the main inference is that the relationship between digital and traditional tools can be better understood as complementary rather than as a dichotomy.
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- [Academic paper] Faculty Use of iPads and Engagement in the Higher Education Classroom iPads and Engagement in the Higher Education Classroom
…In an effort to support faculty in making lectures more engaging, ACMS launched a pilot project that provided iPads to selected faculty to assess the educational value of these devices in the higher education classroom. This report documents how ACMS prepared faculty and general assignment classrooms to use iPads during lectures...
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[Academic paper] Faculty Use of iPads and Engagement in the Higher Education Classroom iPads in higher education—Hype and hope
This paper systematically reviews current research on using iPads in the higher education sector. Since the release of iPads by Apple in 2010, this new technology has been quickly adopted everywhere, especially by the younger generation and professionals. We were motivated to find out how iPads have been adopted for use in the higher education sector. We searched for and collected all the peer-reviewed publications in conference proceedings and scholarly journals...
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[Academic paper] Faculty Use of iPads and Engagement in the Higher Education Classroom A Federal Higher Education iPad Mobile Learning Initiative: Triangulation of Data to Determine Early Effectiveness
This article presents faculty perceptions of the first month of iPad deployment in a national college system and a case study describing the integration of mobile learning devices in one college, interpreted within the framework of a SWOT analysis. We include a brief history of the implementation; description of the three-tier structure of infrastructure, pedagogy, and content; faculty perceptions; and pedagogy interview findings...
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- [Academic paper] Faculty Use of iPads and Engagement in the Higher Education Classroom A phenomenographic investigation on the use of iPads among undergraduate art and design students
The increasingly widespread use of iPads in higher education (HE) brings to the forefront questions about the contribution of these computer tablets towards teaching and learning. However, there is a noticeable gap of research on the instructional potential of iPads in HE. This paper describes the first stage of a research project on the use of iPads in undergraduate art and design disciplines...
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- [EDUCAUSE Library] Tablets and iPads
Many colleges and universities have begun experimenting with tablet computers and iPad classroom integration initiatives that vary from campus-wide distributions to small-scale, single-class pilots. These programs are designed to provide evidence of improved student learning and engagement. Explore this resource site...
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