ihe 2014: Paphos
1st International Conference on the use of iPads in Higher Education (ihe2014) – Paphos, Almyra Hotel, 20 – 22 March 2014
The theme of the inaugural conference was broad, to encourage contributions from a variety of disciplines, and bring together researchers and academics from a wide spectrum of HE fields and educational practices. The list of proposed themes outlined below is indicative of the submissions that were sought:
- Research on the instructional use of iPads in HE
- iPads and mobile learning
- iPads and collaborative, project-based and context-based learning
- Action research with iPads
- iPads and ubiquitous learning
- iPads and informal learning
- The use of iPads in varied HE disciplines
- Case studies with iPads
- Instructional innovations with iPads in HE
- iPadagogy and the paperless class
- iPads, usability and learning in HE
- iPads and learning disabilities in HE
- BYOD and iPads
- Pilot projects with iPads
- Assessing educational apps for the iPad
- Developing an iPad strategy for HE
- iPads and faculty professional development
- iPads versus other tablets in HE
Organizing Committee
Dr. Nicos Souleles – Co-chair, Cyprus University of Technology
Dr. Salomi Papadima – Co-chair, Cyprus University of Technology
Dr. Fernando Loizides – Local organising chair, Cyprus University of Technology
Miss. Stefania Savva – Local organising chair, Cyprus University of Technology
Mrs. Hilary Watters – Local organising chair, Falmouth University
Mrs. Angela Annesley – Programme chair, Falmouth University
Miss. Demetra Perdiou – Committee administrator, Cyprus University of Technology
Miss. Vera Touringou – Committee administrator, Cyprus University of Technology
Ms. Kasmira Dave – University of Western Sydney
Dr. Andri Ioannou – Cyprus University of Technology
Dr. Jane Costello – University of Newfoundland
Dr. Fernando Loizides – Cyprus University of Technology
Dr. Marguerite Koole – Athabasca University
Prof. Tony Shannon – Karl Von Busse Institute of Design
Dr. Nathaniel Ostashewski – Curtin University

Keynote speaker: Prof. Marcus Specht, Open Uni. The Netherlands, CELSTEC – Centre for Learning Sciences & Technologies

Keynote speaker: Prof. John Traxler, University of Wolverhampton, School of Computing & IT, Director, Learning Lab & ADL Co-Lab
Papers presented
- Using iPads as a dynamic learning tool to develop skills in graphic communication
and enhance spatial awareness
Elisabete Cidre – University College London, UK - iPadagogy: iPads as drivers of transforming practice in teaching education
Paul Hopkins, Kevin Burden – University of Hull, UK - iPads as collaborative tools to enhance biological identification skills in the lab and field
Sarah L. Taylor, Trish Procter – Keele University, UK - Using the Keynote app as a research tool: A case study in medical education
Veronica Mitchell – University of Cape Town, South Africa - Embedding the iPad as a learning and teaching tool: A case study of staff and student perspectives in a management school
Mary Morrison, Jean Leah, Fiona Harvey, Carol Masters – University of Southampton, Management School, UK - Give them a fishing rod… The use of iPads by education students
Liat Eyal – Levinsky College of Education, Israel - The use of the iPad in a first-year introductory physics course
Brandon van der Ventel, Richard Newman – Stellenbosch University, South Africa - Bridging the gap: Preparing the app generation for higher education
Rebecca Osborne, Sabba N. Quidwai – Fairmont Preparatory Academy, Anaheim, CA - Student perceptions of the success of an iPad based reading discussion project
Emily Saavedra, Dawn Murray – Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, UAE - iPads at the University of Western Sydney (UWS): Initiating institutional transformation
Lynnae Rankine, Dennis Macnamara – University of Western Sydney, Australia - iPad use in fieldwork: Formal and informal use to enhance pedagogical
practice in a Bring Your Own Technology world
Brian W. Whalley, Derek France, University of Chester – Julian R. Park, Alice L. Mauchline, University of Reading, UK – Victoria Powell, Katharine Welsh, University of Chester, UK - Student teaching with iPads: Incorporating modern digital tools in teacher preparation
Kimberly L. Tohill – The Pennsylvania State University, USA - Exploring how educators incorporate iPads in learning and instruction: Expectations, experiences, and reflections of education students and faculty
in a digital media
master’s programme
Benjamin Baab, John Bansavich – University of San Francisco, USA - Using iPads to increase the level of student engagement in the peer
review and feedback process
Anita Backhouse, Ian Wilson, Daniel Mackley – York St John University, UK - Implementing iPads as personal learning devices:
Making the paperless MBA possible
Sharon Altena – Queensland University of Technology, Australia - Adoption and knowledge continuum in the iPad enhanced classroom:
A working note
Oliver Young, Richard Tresidder – Sheffield Hallam University, UK - iPads, coffee and cake: Becoming experts together – informal learning
with iPads at the University of Southampton
Fiona Harvey, Tamsyn Smith – University of Southampton, UK - Using iPads to enable cultural change in technology enhanced
learning: A case study
Steven Furnell – Plymouth University, UK - Comparing student and faculty perceptions on the instructional value
of iPads in art and design education
Nicos Souleles, Stefania Savva – Cyprus University of Technology
Hilary Watters, Angela Annesley – Falmouth University, UK - Designing mobile learning activities for outdoor learning
Hagit Meishar Tal, Yael Sneh, Arnon Medzini – Oranim College and The Open University of Israel - The usability, functionality and acceptance of iPads in healthcare practice:
A study of physiotherapy and occupational therapy students on placements
Arinola Adefila, Lynn Clouder – Coventry University, UK - A case study on using iPads to encourage collaborative learning
in an undergraduate web development class
Aekaterini Mavri, Fernando Loizides, Nicos Souleles – Cyprus University of Technology - Why open educational resources are needed in iPad and other
mobile learning contexts
Rory McGreal – Athabasca University
In 2015, Cambridge Scholars Publishing printed the full volume of the proceedings, and these can be ordered online.